The following are our general expectations from our students aside from our studio procedure policies. If any of the following are breached, PopRock Academy has the right to terminate the service to the client temporarily or permanently.

1. No weapons or firearms of any kind.
2. No drugs. (Prescription medication allowed if accompanied by doctor's note.)
3. Absolutely no smoking allowed. Pets are not allowed because of possible allergies students have as we have many vocalist training at our institution. We also reserve the right to refuse a student's attendance if an excessive amount of perfume, cologne or other scent is used and is having an adverse effect on other students, faculty or staff.
4. Students are expected to come to lesson and/or class with a positive learning attitude. Students must give their instructors, all our staff members as well as each other their utmost respect.
5. No food or drinks in any classroom. Only water in a secured bottle is allowed.
6. Clothing: No dirty street shoes are allowed on the dance floor. No inappropriate clothing (No gang related clothing. No extremely short shorts. No bare midriff).
7. If student is sick and/or showing signs of flu or cold, PLEASE STAY HOME. We want you to get better and keep everyone else healthy.
8. Please put everything in writing (email). It helps everyone keep track of everything.
9. Please keep all studio rooms clean and tidy (especially the bathroom).
10. Please don't ask us to change any policy. It's not fair for us to change any policy for one student and not another. We don't like to play favorites and believe in treating every student with the utmost respect, love and care. We want to give everyone the best experience here possible.

1. No swearing, bullying or physical violence of any kind.
2. No sharing of music with explicit content to minors.
3. No running in the classrooms.
4. Any recording of lesson or class are subject to approval by the instructor.
5. Please keep your voice at a low level while on the premise of the studio.

1. Please come prepared for your class. If teacher has given students material to work on, students are expected to come FULLY prepared for your lesson.
2. Disruptive students will be removed from class with no refunds.
3. If you require an extended discussion, please contact the office and set up a proper time with your preferred coach/teacher. You may book in 15 minutes increments at our regular rates.
4. If you require to talk to your private lesson teacher at the end of class, please inform your teacher at the beginning of the lesson to end the lesson a few minutes early to talk to you. Teachers' schedule are often stacked back to back and cannot talk to you at the end of your child's lesson.

1. We understand that from time to time there may be issues a student may have with their instructor. If it's something that doesn't seem to be able to resolve itself, we ask that students (or their parents) to resolve these issues through notifying our office privately rather than confronting the instructors directly. We also ask the instructors to do the same to avoid any potential miscommunication. This is to ensure that we prevent creating a hostile teaching environment that would be detrimental to the student's education.
2. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

1. PopRock Academy offers classes, lessons and workshops only. We are a training facility. All classes and lessons offered are for training purposes. No guarantee or implication of work is made.
2. The presences of any industry professionals are straightly for educational purposes only. No guarantee or implication of work is made.

Not sure how to get started?

PopRock Academy's friendly front desk staff with answer all your questions on how to start your journey in the performing arts!

Contact our staff

or simply call us at
+1 (626) 282-ROCK[7625]