PopRock Blog

New School Year, New Classes: Join Today!

It’s that time of year again when school is starting back up. This is the perfect time to add a new activity into you or your child’s schedule. PopRock Academy has some great new programs starting up as well our amazing ongoing classes. Some popular classes are Triple Threat Glee, KPop, Hip Hop, and a brand new class PopRock YouTube. Stop by the front desk to get more information and sign up today.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for attending that new class or lesson.

1. Make sure you bring water. The summer heat is only going to get worse this month and next. Whether you are dancing, acting, or taking a private lesson the heat will get to you. Help save the environment a bit and bring your own reusable bottle of water. Your body will thank you for it.

2. Dress comfortably. It’s important to dress comfortably for dance class. Showing up to break dance class in jeans will make it hard to move. Do yourself a favor and wear clothes you can move in. Dance class isn’t a fashion show. Your dance teacher will thank you for it.

3. Wear proper foot attire. It’s hot out so flip flops are very popular right now. Unfortunately those are not great for dance. Make sure to bring tennis shoes with you if you are in a dance class. Your feet will thank you for it.

4. Come ready to have FUN! This is probably the most important tip I can give. No matter the class or lesson, enjoy your time. Learning a new skill can be so exciting. You will thank yourself for it!

Ready to apply these tips to class? Sign up for a class by sending us an info request or give us a call at 626.282.[ROCK]7625!

Article written by Jessica K.

Not sure how to get started?

PopRock Academy's friendly front desk staff with answer all your questions on how to start your journey in the performing arts!

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+1 (626) 282-ROCK[7625]